
Efficient and accurate estimates for mining endeavours

We do realize the mining industry has quite specific needs when it comes to cost estimating and project control due to the nature and locations of its projects. It’s not something everyone with just some cost engineering expertise can do. Fortunately, Cost Engineering has the knowledge and experience to understand the challenges of projects in the mining industry and can help create an efficient and accurate estimate of your next endeavour.

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Risk Analysis

Risk analysis

It’s no exception that mining projects often face significant investment risks and that its profitability not only depends on the initial investment but also the operational costs and (expected) market price of the commodity. Therefore, an uncertainty analysis will be executed. This analysis will be executed with a Risk Software Program @Risk based on the Monte Carlo simulation to determine the contingency to derive the cost estimate confidence level. Opex and commodity price fluctuations can be taken into account in consultation with your own experts to ensure a well-informed and accurate investment decision.


Realistic planning for your projects

Planning is vital for the success of your projects. Each day a project gets behind schedule results in lost revenues. A good planner keeps an eye on progress, scope changes, as well as all outside factors which could influence the planning. Cost Engineering understands the importance of these influences and can assist you in developing a realistic planning for your projects. This ensures a tight integration between time, resources, and costs.

Sherritt Metal

Sherritt Metal is the largest coal producer in Canada and the largest independent energy producer in Cuba with extensive oil and power operations across the island. It also provides metallurgical services worldwide and is an industry leader in the mining and refining of nickel and cobalt from lateritic ore.

For all of its estimating jobs, they make use of the software and services of Cost Engineering. According to its principal estimating manager, “Cost Engineering is quite unique in their combination of cost estimating software and certified and experienced cost engineers who are familiar with our everyday work.”

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