Oil and gas is one of the areas that has been part of the Cost Engineering company since it was founded. Over the years Cost Engineering has been very active in the onshore field for clients all over the world. The projects that Cost Engineering has been involved in for these customers range from green field to maintenance projects. Cost Engineering has not only served its Oil & Gas clients in estimating, but also in areas like planning, cost control, contracting, quantity surveying, auditing, validation, asset verification, cost management, claim mediation, contract control and risk analysis. This makes Cost Engineering the default choice for many of our clients. Cost Engineering propagates a full life-cycle approach to cost estimating just as to all other parts of our client’s projects. The main reason being, that a full life-cycle approach will make sure a project will not just be a success in one of its phases, but over its complete lifetime. We thereby take into account the often longer than average time-span of Oil & Gas projects and ensure every strategic decision is made with all relevant data available, accurate and up-to-date. Cost Engineering did a long term project with a group of Central and Eastern European companies who were in the process of revising a large part of their production facilities throughout Europe. For this combination of companies, Cost Engineering has audited all feed estimates and their related processes. This was not just a case of looking at the results on paper. It meant going out into the field to get a feel for the situation and applying that knowledge on information received from both owners as well as engineering contractors. During this project, Cost Engineering audited over a billion Euro’s worth of projects both from an estimating as well as a planning point of view. As a final result the group of companies has a much clearer view of the cost involved in the project, resulting in reduced cost where possible. Cost Engineering has assisted an engineering firm in the process of calculating the cost of a number of projects they are conducting for their clients. By using Cost Engineering as an independent third party, there have been no discussions about the estimates and negotiations can be focused on the technical aspects of the projects. For Statoil, we delivered several services, amongst which we estimated the costs of multiple Greenfield projects as well as integrated with existing plant projects for different locations in Europe. Those different types of cost estimates followed their project phases: accuracy from 40% to 20%. With a probability of P80. Cost Engineering used its own database and reported on the NORSOK coding structure. Part of this was the evaluation of different scenarios before the transition to the following phase. Visit www.costengineering.eu or contact us to find out how to benefit from our products & services.Onshore Oil & Gas
From greenfield to maintenance projects
Our services
Full life-cycle
Long term project in Central & Eastern Europe
Acting as independent third party
Statoil's greenfield projects
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