PetroBehboud Baravard Pars develops knowledge and skills of cost engineering in Iran in cooperation with Cost Engineering Consultancy.
“Tehran Polytechnic University; Seminar Location"
Event at a Glance
Time: 18~21 August 2009
Place: Tehran Polytechnic University, Iran
Participants: 40 Iranian Engineers, Experts, Managers and Researchers
Event Key Speakers: Ko des Bouvrie, Babek Hossaini, Leendert De Geus, Martin van Vliet
Event Manager: Aryan Aghili
Event Coordinator: Mohsen Arefi
Seminar Brief Report:
PetroBehboud Baravard Pars is developing its activities more than ever in Iran and other parts of Middle East region. After one year of activity as the offic Mr. Ko des Bouvrie; Well-Known and Amiable |
This event introduced the great advantages of being a cost engineer to the people and companies who are looking toward modern and global solutions to manage their project costs by applying cost estimation and control knowledge and tools. |
“Event at a Glance"
The event was a combination of knowledge and practice together. Therefore lots of case studies and workshop were introduced and held during these four days. Mr. Bouvrie (Cost Engineering Technical Director) and his team (Mr. Geus and Vliet) who are well known between many Iranian organizations did their best to transfer and share their expertise and knowledge with the participants and regarding to the questionnaires 85% of the participant were completely satisfied with the event theme and content and they have announced their interest to participate in the next PBBP events. |
| Also at the end of this event Mr. Hossaini (Aram Groep CEO) and Mr. Aghili (PBBP Executive Manager) gave their speeches on their strategic plans in Iran. They mentioned the upcoming events in the next year and also they announced forming up of a new community for Iranian cost engineers. |
At the end it is notable to mention that the demonstration of Cleopatra Enterprise, which was given by Mr. Vliet, resulted to numerous requests from the participants regarding to functionality, features and brochures of Cleopatra Enterprise. |