

Petro Behboud Baravard Pars is going to present Cleopatra Enterprise on the 5th International Project Management Conference which is going to be held in Tehran on 26th and 27th October 2009.

In this conference great experts like Prof. Rodney Turner and Mr. Adesh Jain and many other international and domestic speakers are going to give speeches on project management. The main topics are Strategic Project Management, Project Organizing and Project executing management. 


Management School of Lille and Paris, Aryana Project Management InstituteTarbiat Modarres UniversityMapna GroupIran Water & Power Resources Developmentand some other companies are the sponsors and facilitators of this conference.


The venue of the exhibition is a 400-square-meters hall in the conference hall with more than 1800 experts attending the conference. This conference is going to be held at Milad Tower

The conference official website is

Milad tower

PetroBehboud is going to give a great demonstration on Cleopatra Enterprise with lots of useful information about Cost Engineering activities, recent developments, references, training services and etc.

Also we are going to announce IACE (Iranian Association of Cost Engineering) at this conference. In addition our booklet called “Cost Management in 3rd Millennium; Opportunities and challenges” will be distributed in this conference for the first time.