

Petro Behboud Baravard Pars officially introduces Cost Engineering and Cleopatra Enterprise to the Middle East.

Seminar_Middle_East_Location(1)"Cost Engineering Seminar Location"

Seminar at a Glance
Time: 23rd, November 2008
Place: Rayzan International Conference Center, Tehran, Iran
Participants: 127 Top level Industry wide Managers
Event Key Speakers: Ko des Bouvrie, Babek Hossaini, Martin van Vliet, Behrouz Nateghi
Event Manager: Ehsan Davoudi
Event Coordinators: Pooya Shekarabi, Aryan Aghili

Seminar Brief Report:
Cost Engineering is developing its activities around the world. After successful joint ventures in the Far East, it is time to start sales and support activities in the Middle East. Petro Behboud Baravard Pars (PBBP), as the official representative and reseller of Cost Engineering in this region, has started their strategic approach to the market. As the first step in this roadmap, PBBP held a great seminar on 23rd of November 2008 in Tehran, Iran. Over 120 top level managers from organizations and companies in different industries participated in this seminar.  It introduced the great advantages of Cost Engineering products and services to companies looking to maximize their control and accuracy of project cost and estimation.

"Who is petro Behboud Baravard Pars?"

Mr. Ko des Bouvrie introduced the field of cost engineering and the values that are gained by implementing its methods and approaches.  After that Mr. Martin van Vliet gave a great demonstration of Cleopatra Enterprise's functionality, versatility and user friendliness that was supported by unbelievable feedback from the participants. Another good part of the seminar was the speeches given by managers of PBBP that clarified the strengths and competitive advantages of these companies who are going to offer great opportunities, products and services to Middle East businesses and corporations.

"Mr. Bouvrie and mr. van Vliet at the seminar"

The following days a comprehensive 2 day course and workshop on cost engineering was held in Iran that was attended by a good amount of Iranian project management experts.