

The Cost Engineering Event 2007 was a big success. Over 90 people visited the event which was hosted by Cost Engineering Consultancy over two days in April. It was a combination of experienced speakers, innovative software tools and a great setting to meet other cost engineers.

Opening speaker Ko des Bouvrie set the theme for the event. Working together, exchanging knowledge, building relationships and making friends were at the heart of the event. During the event it became clear that these were no hollow promises. There were speakers on every aspect of cost engineering. Not only did they speak on the full life cycle from idea to abandonment, they also focussed on all different aspects of cost engineering from estimating to asset management and in every part of the world. This meant there was something to be learned by everyone. And enough to talk about during the breaks. This could be done in a leisurely atmosphere on the terraces due to the beautiful weather.

In retrospect the Cost Engineering Event was a great event for anyone who has an interest in cost engineering.

On the Cost Engineering website we will soon publish a photo gallery which will give a good overview of the Cost Engineering Event 2007. All presentations will also be put on a CD which will be sent out to all visitors who requested a CD through the evaluation form. If you were at the Cost Engineering Event 2007 and you have not requested a CD, it is still possible to order a copy by sending us an email.

We would like to thank everyone who was at the event for your presence. We will keep you informed of other activities by Cost Engineering Consultancy to extend the field of cost engineering worldwide.